Simon hornblower a commentary on thucydides book

Simon hornblowers great commentary on thucydides has been hailed as a superb accomplishment by a brilliant scholar. Simon hornblowers commentary, by translating every passage of greek commented on for the first time, allows readers with little or no greek to appreciate the detail of thucydides thought and subjectmatter. Of the three books covered in this volume, book i presents thucydides aims in writing the work and the historical background to the war. Simon hornblowers commentary, by translating every passage or phrase of. He has published an historical and literary commentary on thucydides in three volumes oxford university press, 1991, 1996, 2008. This is the first volume of a threevolume historical and literary commentary on the eight books. Thucydides intended his work to be an everlasting possession and the continuing importance of his work is undisputed. Simon hornblower, fba born 1949 is an english classicist and academic.

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